As a teacher on Piqosity, you can always see performance stats for all of your students at a glance on the Educator Dashboard

However, when you want to dig deeper into your students' performance in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a whole, try using the Subtopic Analysis and View Assignment features.

Subtopic Analysis

Subtopic Analysis allows you to view the number of available practice questions for each subtopic in the current course, along with information about how many of your students have worked each subtopic and how well they are performing in them.

To access Subtopic Analysis, visit the "Outline" tab of the Dashboard for the course or class you are interested in. Then, choose "Subtopic Analysis" from the dropdown (which shows "Outline" by default).

For each Subtopic in a course, the Subtopic Analysis table includes:

  1. Standards - The state standards associated with the subtopic, if applicable. 
  2. App Questions - The number of questions in Piqosity's database for the subtopic.
  3. Worked Questions - The average number of questions your students have worked in the subtopic, among those who have worked at least one question in the subtopic.
  4. Worked Students - The percentage of your students who have worked at least one question in the subtopic.
  5. Accuracy - The average accuracy of your students for questions in the subtopic.
  6. The table can be sorted by App Questions, Worked Questions, Worked Students, or Accuracy to help you find the insights you're looking for - like, "What is my students' weakest overall ACT subtopic?" or "Are there still SAT Digital subtopics that my students have never been exposed to?"

View Assignment

After your students complete an Assignment that includes a Full-Length Test or a section of a Full-Length test, the "View Assignment" tool provides further insight into their performance in the aggregate. To access this page, navigate to the Assignments tab of the Educator Dashboard and then click "View" from the action menu for the assignment you are interested in.

The View Assignment page for an assignment that includes a Full-Length Test or section breaks down as follows:

  1. The T&U Summary tab features the Summary of Class Results by Question table, explained below.
  2. The Students tab opens the Summary of Class Results by Student table, which features a list of your assigned students and their completion status for the assignment, including their time spent and overall accuracy.
  3. The dropdown allows you to select the test that appears in the Summary of Class Results by Question table, if you added multiple Full-Length Tests or sections to the assignment.
  4. The Difficulty column shows the dynamic difficulty of each question on the test.
  5. The Attempted column shows the percentage of assigned students who attempted each question on the test.
  6. The Correct column shows the percentage of assigned students who attempted each question and got it correct.
  7. The table can be sorted to help you hone in on highly difficult questions, the questions your students didn't reach, or the questions your students performed the worst on.
  8. Hover over a question's text to view a full preview of the question.

Note: Because of their adaptive nature, Full-Length Tests in the SAT Digital course are not currently supported for use with this tool. Only assigned individual modules will appear in the dropdown.