The Remedial Outline shows students all of the remedial modules that they have generated while working through their Personalized Piqosity Virtual Tutor (PVT) outline. Each remedial module in PVT consists of a Lesson, practice related to the lesson, and a progress report. 

In this article we'll cover the major features of the PVT 2 Personalized Outline.

How Remedial Modules are Generated

Threshold Accuracy

Remedial modules are generated by PVT when you fall below your remedial threshold accuracy on the lesson practice of a PVT module. 

  • You can change your remedial threshold accuracy on the PVT 2 settings page.
  • Threshold accuracy is different from goal score accuracy. Goal score accuracy is used to determine whether you successfully completed a module or still need some practice. Remedial threshold accuracy determines if you need to go back and review pre-requisite topics or not. 
  • Threshold accuracy only looks at "Lesson Practice" - not "General Practice".
  • If you fall below threshold accuracy in a remedial module, then Piqosity will generate a set of remedial modules for that remedial module (i.e. layered remediation). 

Remedial Modules as Prerequisites

When you fall below your threshold accuracy, Piqosity uses the pre-requisite topics of whatever topic you were working on to create remedial modules for you to review. This means a single module could have anywhere from a single remedial topic to 5+ remedial topics tagged to it depending on how many prerequisite topics are in Piqosity's database for the module you're working on.

  • Piqosity considers a topic in your outline fully remediated when you've passed all the remedial topics associated with it.
  • You can always skip a remedial module by clicking to any module in the outline. 

Numbering for Remedial Modules

Remedial modules have a decimal-based numbering system based on the layer of remediation and the number of remedial modules. Because remedial modules can be generated for remedial modules, this system can get complex. 


  • Layout: Sequence Number / First Layer Remedial # / Second Layer Remedial # / Third Layer Remedial # / etc.
  • 4.1 = First remedial module of outline module #4
  • 4.2 = Second remedial module of outline module #4
  • 5.1.1 = First remedial module of the first remedial module for outline module #5 (i.e. second layer)
  • 6.2.3 = Third remedial module of the second remedial module for outline module #6 (i.e. second layer)
  • = Third remedial module of the second remedial module of the second remedial module for outline module #10

Finding the Remedial Outline

To view the Remedial Outline carry out the below steps: 

  1. Click on the "Virtual Tutor" button on the dashboard or from any page in the "Content" dropdown.
  2. From the PVT page, click on "Remedial".

Course-Level Statistics

At the top of the Remedial Outline you'll see a few metrics describing your remedial modules overall. 

  1. The Progress Report tells you how much of the course you've completed based on the modules you've worked through. Hover over the information icon to get some additional details like days until your test take and your goal score.
  2. Remedial Modules tell you how many modules (out of the total number of modules in the course outline) you've triggered remediation in. 
  3. Completed shows the number of modules that you have fully remediated. Full remediation means that you completed the entire remediation loop for that module (many modules will have multiple prerequisite modules that need completion to be considered fully remediated).
  4. Queued Modules indicates how many remedial modules you have unworked. 
  5. Average Depth refers to the average level of the math questions you are practicing at. This is found by looking at which of Piqosity's math courses for grades 5 - 11 the majority of your remedial questions are coming from. If your average depth is 0, then you're on-level in math. If it is 2, then you're working math courses that are 2 levels back. 

Module Statistics

Each remedial module contains metrics on your performance that module. An annotated remedial module is shown below:

  1. This number shows the remedial module's index in the Personalized Outline. Refer to the section on "Numbering for Remedial Modules" for more information. 
  2. Name of the module.
  3. Total number of questions on the app that are related to the remedial topic.
  4. How many questions you have attempted in that particular remedial module.
  5. Your accuracy on questions in that particular remedial module.
  6. The date you most recently worked the module (or triggered the creation of, if not worked). 
  7. Action menu - contains the ability to resume, retake, or review the module. 

Color Coding in the Remedial Outline

Modules in the Remedial Outline will change colors as you complete them. Color coding is as follows

  • Green Text - Not yet worked
  • Red Text - Worked; Accuracy below goal score accuracy
  • Black Text - Worked; Accuracy meets goal score accuracy
  • White Text (teal background) - Your "Next" module according to Piqosity's algorithm