The personalized outline shows students their Piqosity Virtual Tutor (PVT) progress organized by modules. Each module in PVT consists of a Lesson, practice on the lesson, general practice on previously covered topics (if available), and a progress report. 

The personalized outline page shows every module that PVT will have the student work through along with performance metrics at the course level and the module level. In this article we'll cover the major features of the PVT 2 Personalized Outline.

Finding the Personalized Outline

The personalized outline can be viewed in two ways. Regardless of where you view the outline, you can scroll through the outline's pages and click on any module to start it, even if it's not the designated next module in your sequence.

1. The PVT 2 Personalized Module shows up on the course dashboard. You can toggle between your "Personalized Outline" or a "Standard Outline" that simply shows all subtopics in the course. 

The dashboard outline is simply a smaller version of the outline on the "Personalized Outline" page with the exception that sequence dividers (denoted in grey boxes in the sequences) don't show up in your dashboard outline. Note that Personalized Outlines are course specific and will only show up if you have set up PVT 2 in that course. 

2. Click on "Virtual Tutor" from the dashboard to load your personalized outline:

Course-Level Statistics

At the top of the Personalized Outline you'll see a few metrics describing your progress in the course overall. 

  1. The Progress Report tells you how much of the course you've completed based on the modules you've worked through. Hover over the information icon to get some additional details like days until your test take and your goal score. 
  2. Modules worked describes how many of the course's modules you have worked through (i.e. worked all the way to the Progress Report and clicked "Exit" or "Next" on). 
  3. Below Goal shows the number of modules where your accuracy on the lesson practice portion was below the accuracy you need to hit your indicated goal score.
  4. Remedial indicates the number of remediation-eligible* modules that you scored below your remedial threshold on. This threshold accuracy can be adjusted in your PVT settings. 
  5. Remediated shows the number of modules that you have fully remediated. Full remediation means that you completed the entire remediation loop for that module (many modules will have multiple prerequisite modules that need completion to be considered fully remediated). 

*As of the 2024-2025 school year remediation on Piqosity is only possible for math topics within test prep and subject prep courses. 

Module Statistics

Each module contains metrics on your performance on subtopics related to that module. This performance tracking applies to questions all across the app—not just those you work in PVT 2. An annotated module is shown below:

  1. This number shows the module's order in your personalized sequence.
  2. Name of the module (usually the name of the subtopic or a name created by the educator who put together the PVT sequence).
  3. Total number of questions on the app that are related to the subtopics included in that particular module.
  4. How many questions you have attempted that are related to the subtopics included in that particular module.
  5. Your accuracy on questions related to the subtopics included in that particular module.
  6. The date you most recently worked the module.
  7. Action menu - contains the ability to resume, retake, or review the module. 

Color Coding in the Personalized Outline

Modules in the Personalized Outline will change colors as you complete them. Color coding is as follows

  • Green Text - Not yet worked
  • Red Text - Worked; Accuracy below goal score accuracy
  • Black Text - Worked; Accuracy meets goal score accuracy
  • White Text (teal background) - Your "Next" module according to Piqosity's algorithm 

"Testing Out" 

Because Piqosity measures student performance across all content on the app, students' work on items unrelated to PVT 2 can count towards their progress in their Personalized Outline. If a student does Personalized Practice or works a Full-Length Test, then their performance on relevant subtopics will show up in the Personalized Outline via the "Attempted Questions" and "Accuracy" metrics. 

If a student completes 10 questions (or all of the questions in a subtopic if fewer than 10 exist), the Personalized Outline will update to consider that outline item complete. 

Remedial Modules in the Personalized Outline

If a student has access to a remediation-enabled subscription and has "Suggest Remediation" toggled on in their PVT settings, then remedial modules will show up in the Personalized Outline whenever a student falls below their remedial threshold accuracy. These modules can be accessed via the dropdown arrow that shows up in a regular outline module when the student falls below proficiency. 

Remedial modules have a decimal-based numbering system based on the layer of remediation and the number of remedial modules. Because remedial modules can be generated for remedial modules, this system can get complex. 


  • Layout: Sequence Number / First Layer Remedial # / Second Layer Remedial # / Third Layer Remedial # / etc.
  • 4.1 = First remedial module of outline module #4
  • 4.2 = Second remedial module of outline module #4
  • 5.1.1 = First remedial module of the first remedial module for outline module #5 (i.e. second layer)
  • 6.2.3 = Third remedial module of the second remedial module for outline module #6 (i.e. second layer)
  • = Third remedial module of the second remedial module of the second remedial module for outline module #10

Regardless of whether "Suggest Remediation" is turned on or off, remedial modules will always populate in the "Remedial Outline.