The Alerts page notifies students when other users on the Piqosity app are interacting with them.


These are invitations to link accounts from other educators. If you accept the invite, the linked educator will have complete and unrestricted access to your account. Only accept invitations from educators you have a complete and trusting relationship with.

Answer Requests

Sometimes you may find a question on Piqosity without an answer explanation that you find helpful. In this situation you can make a request for a new explanation. You'll see responses to your requests here. Click on the row to view the response.


Both lessons and questions on Piqosity have a forum-style Q&A at the bottom of the page. If you ask a question you'll find responses here. Click on the row to view the response. 

Forum Posts

If you participate in the Piqosity forum, you'll be notified of responses here. Click on the row to view the response.