With a continuously growing database of more than 10,000 practice questions written by tutors and teachers from all across the US, there are regrettably likely to be some typos and mistakes.
Piqosity has an in-built process for identifying and correcting these issues:
First, students must submit an inquiry about a question after scoring a quiz, then educators can follow these steps:
- Select the class in which the student is enrolled
- Click on the Q & A button
- Click on the red "Flag" icon
After you click on the flag icon, a dialogue box will appear where you can tell Piqosity's editors exactly what is wrong with the problem. For example, "the answer should be..."
After you submit your flag, the question will be immediately withdrawn from circulation until a Piqosity editor is able to address the issue.
- If the issue centers around a question that you yourself wrote, you may edit it directly.
- If a question has previously been reviewed by an editor, the red Flag icon will be replaced with a green Checkmark indicating that the question has already been verified. However, if you still think there is an issue with it, please contact us using the Support Center.
Thank you for helping us make Piqosity the best educator-driven learning platform!