The "More Stats" page provides a wealth of statistics to give students a detailed analysis of their performance.

To access the "More Stats" page from the dashboard, click on the container tab labeled with a graph. Then click on "more stats" at the bottom right of the container: 

Statistics Shown Include

  1. Score Estimate Line Chart - Tracks your overall score over time
  2. Recent Practice Bar Chart - Shows your recent practice scores
  3. Pacing Donuts - Show your pace in each topic. A pace under 100% means you're working too slowly, while a pace over 100% means you're working too quickly. 
  4. Statistics by Topic and Subtopic

Understanding Statistics by Topic and Subtopic

Course Level Stats

  1. Predicted Score: The average of each of your topic scores. 
  2. Improvement from Baseline: The difference between your predicted score and your baseline score. Positive values show improvement, negative values show regression.  
  3. Baseline Score: The average of each of your topic baseline scores. This score will show "NA" until all of your topics have a baseline score (read more below in "Topic Level Stats"). 
  4. Total Questions worked: The total questions worked in the course across all topics. 
  5. Average Seconds per Question: The average number of seconds you're spending on questions across all topics. 
  6. Accuracy: Your total accuracy across all questions in all topics in the course. 
  7. Average Difficulty: The average difficulty of questions you have answered, ranging from 1 (easiest) to 9 (hardest). 
  8. Last Practice Date: The date of the last time you performed practice in this course. 

Topic Level Stats (The icons for topic and subtopic-level stats  are identical to those at the topic level)

  1. Predicted Score: Your score in a given subtopic based on the last 100 questions you have answered in that topic. Predicted score will populate as soon as you have completed some practice. 
  2. Improvement from Baseline: The difference between your predicted score and your baseline score. Positive values show improvement, negative values show regression.  
  3. Baseline Score: The score you earned in a given topic based on the first 25 questions you answered and submitted in that topic. This score will show "NA" until 25 questions have been answered and submitted. 
  4. Total Questions worked: The total number of questions you answered in a given topic. 
  5. Average Seconds per Question: The average number of seconds you spend on questions. This score looks at your most recently answered 25 questions. 
  6. Accuracy: Your total accuracy across all questions in this topic. 
  7. Average Difficulty: The average difficulty of all questions you have answered in this topic, ranging from 1 (easiest) to 9 (hardest). 
  8. Last Practice Date: The date of the last time you performed practice in this topic.