Sometimes a student might register with your organization only to decide later that they're going to "go a different direction." And you've already created and paid for their Piqosity account.

Not to worry, Piqosity allows organization administrators to remove paid courses from inactive student accounts and receive an immediate refund to theirĀ card on file:

To process the refund, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your organization's Piqosity account
  2. In the green, top navigation bar, click on "Students"
  3. Next to the student's name, click on the three dots in the "Action" column
  4. Click on "Refund"
  5. Select the course/s you'd like to cancel and refund
  6. Confirm the refund in the "Payments" page

There are a few things to be aware of:

  1. You can only refund student accounts where no full-length tests have been scored.
  2. On the "Students" page, you may need to click on the "Inactive Students" or "All Students" button to see the student you want to refund.
  3. Refunding the student does not remove them from your organization. To remove the student, you need to click on "Delete" from the drop down in step 3 above.
  4. Depending on your card's issuing bank, it may take 3-5 business days for the refund to show up in your online banking transactions.