As the organization administrator, you have the ability to impersonate any student in your organization; this means that you can view and act within a student's account exactly as if you were that student.

This ability is particularly useful if you want to drill down into a student's account to see more detail about their performance and usage habits on Piqosity.

Warning - If you make changes while impersonating a student, those changes will be indistinguishable from changes made by the actual student.

To impersonate a student, simply click on their name anywhere you see it.

To stop impersonating the student and return to viewing Piqosity as the organization administrator, click on the "Switch button," which is located in the navigation bar at the top right next to the name of the student you're currently impersonating:You can also make changes to a student's account without impersonating them. 

The changes that you can make and the interface to make them are exactly the same as when you added the student:

  1. Name
  2. E-Mail address
  3. Password (this is how you can change a student's password if they forget it)
  4. Couse selection, including adding and paying for new courses (note that you cannot remove a paid course after adding it)
  5. Assigned tutors and classes

To access the "Edit Student" window:

  1. Go to the "Students" page
  2. Click on the three dots in the "Action" column next to the student's name you want to edit
  3. Click on "Edit"