After taking a quiz or full-length test, Piqosity will score your exam and present you with a range of information:

  1. Share Results generates a sharable link that allows others to see your results without being logged into Piqosity.
  2. The Score Donut shows your predicted score for the current topic.
  3. Correct Vs Incorrect shows a breakdown of correct, incorrect, and unanswered questions. 
  4. Accuracy by Difficulty shows a breakdown of correct, incorrect, and unanswered questions by difficulty level. Hovering over a part of the graph shows the number of questions in each category.
    • On Piqosity's 9-point difficulty scale, Easy questions have a difficulty of 1-3, Medium questions have a difficulty of 4-6, and Hard questions have a difficulty of 7-9.
  5. Pace Estimate shows your estimated pacing.
    • Less than 100% means you would have run out of time on the actual test.
    • Greater than 100% means you would have had time to spare on the actual test.
  6. The Topic Details table shows a breakdown of stats for the current topic, including:
    1. Total Questions - The total number of questions in the exam.
    2. Your Correct - The number of questions you answered correctly.
    3. Your Correct % - The percent of questions you answered correctly.
    4. Your Time - The amount of time you spent answering questions.
    5. Allotted Time - The amount of time you could have spent on the exam.
    6. Under (Over) - The amount of time you had to spare - or, the difference between "Allotted Time" and "Your Time."
      • A green number shows that you had time to spare.
      • A red number shows you went over time.
    7. Seconds / Question - The average amount of time you spent on each question.
  7. The Subtopic Details table shows a breakdown of stats for each subtopic you answered questions from in the current topic. This table is sortable, but by default it is sorted by Total Questions (high to low).
  8. Clicking the chevron next to the name of a subtopic opens the Question Details table for that subtopic.
  9. The Question Details table shows a breakdown of individual questions in the current subtopic, including:
    1. Correct
      • A green checkmark appears if you got the question right.
      • A red "X" appears if you got the question wrong.
      • A red circle appears if you did not answer the question.
    2. Marked - A checkmark appears if you "Marked" the question during the test.
    3. Difficulty - The difficulty of the question.
    4. Time - The amount of time you spent on the question, in seconds.
  10. Clicking on the question name takes you to that question in the test, allowing you to review your work and the answer explanation. 
    • Hovering over the question name shows a tooltip with the full question text.
  11. After viewing these high level statistics, you can also use the buttons at the bottom of the page to review each question.
    1. Green numbers mean that you answered this question correctly.
    2. Red numbers mean that you answered this question incorrectly.
    3. Purple numbers mean that you marked the question for review.
    4. Black numbers mean that you did not answer the question.

Note: For full-length tests and other exams that cover multiple topics, a container like the one shown above appears for each topic.

For details on viewing individual questions check out our article on Viewing Answer Explanations