The PVT 2 calendar allows you to see how your study plan looks in practice. It helps students visualize whether they'll be able to complete their class material by the end of the course or finish their test prep schedule by the time their test date rolls around. 

How the Calendar Places Modules on the Calendar 

The calendar is structured around 3 pieces of data that you entered on the setup screens for the course:

  • Weekly study days
  • Study time per session. 
  • Test or class end date

Based on these items, Piqosity generates a calendar showing the modules that one would hypothetically work on each study day. We use a rough estimate that each module takes 30 minutes. Therefore, if you indicated that you would study 3 hours per day, we predict that you'll make it through 6 modules per day. 

Piqosity will populate this number of modules per day on every study day that you indicated. For example, if you indicated that you're studying 3 hours per study day (i.e. 6 modules) and that your study days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then you'll see 18 modules show up per week placed evenly across Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Changing Calendar Settings

You may change your calendar (and other PVT 2) settings at any point. To do this, click to the PVT page:

Access the settings tab:

At the bottom of the settings tab you'll see "Calendar Settings":

You can adjust your test/class end date, your weekly study days, or the number of modules per day you expect to work. These changes will be reflected in your calendar for all days in the future, but they won't affect the modules you actually worked.

Scheduling Modules Outside of Pre-Set Days

The calendar algorithm will lay out the number of modules you're expecting to work each day and which days you're planning to work on. It will even auto-update as you complete or miss modules. However,  there may be cases where you want to move a module to a given day and leave it on that day. To do this, you can simply use the "Move" button that shows up when you hover over a module:

Modules that have been moved will not be rearranged automatically by the calendar if they are skipped. 

Working Modules on Non-Study Days

While the study days are the weekly days you anticipate working (perhaps the days you have a recurring test prep course), you'll probably find yourself working outside of those days on occasion. 

When you complete a PVT module outside of a designated study day, that module will move from whatever day it is on to the day that it was actually completed, and it will remain at that spot on the calendar. For example, if you leave 3 modules incomplete on Wednesday and when Saturday comes around you complete one of those 3 modules, then the completed module will be moved to Saturday. 

Working Modules on Non-Study Days

Skipping modules results in the calendar algorithm restructuring your schedule to adapt to the missed modules. If you were supposed to work 2 modules on Wednesday and you did not, then the calendar will shift all the modules to account for this while still adhering to your indicated modules per day and study days. 

The helper text at the top right of the calendar will update daily as you complete and miss modules to tell you whether you're on track or not to meet your completion date:

The algorithm for updating the calendar will never place more modules on a given day than you have indicated you will work, nor will it place modules on non-study days.