The Piqosity Dashboard is the first page that students see upon logging in, and it allows them to jump into PVT 2 modules, see their course progress in the Personalized Outline, or access Piqosity's learning tools like tests, lessons, and personalized practice.  

The major features of the student dashboard are annotated below

  1. The Banner
  2. Profile Functions
  3. Progress Bar
  4. Personalized Outline
  5. PVT Module
  6. Quick Access Bar
  7. Student Tabs
  8. Progress Report
  9. Announcements

1. The Banner across the top of the screen allows you to toggle between different courses and pages of Piqosity.

  • Each course has its own unique dashboard; clicking “Course” in the Banner allows students to switch between courses or add a new course to their profile. The course with the rocket icon indicates the student's default course, while other courses that show up in the dropdown are primary courses. These can be edited in #2 Profile Functions. 
  • The “Content” tab allows students to access all of Piqosity’s practice interfaces: 
    • Virtual Tutor
    • Lessons
    • Personalized Practice
    • Full-Length Tests & Units
    • Review Past Practice
    • Holistic Review
  • "Alerts" shows students all important communications that they receive, like assignments, answers to questions, forum posts, or invitations to student classes. 
  • "Forum" and "Leaders" allow students to stay engaged with the Piqosity community. 

2. Clicking the student’s name in the top right corner opens Piqosity’s Profile Functions.

  • A - "Profile" will show you a page containing all of your profile information on Piqosity. You can change your information (name, grade, email, password), edit the timing settings for your course(s), or assign your primary and default courses. 
  • B -  "Payment" will bring you to the payments page where you can see all of your active licenses and upgrade.
  • C - "Support" brings you to Piqosity's support center. 

3. The Progress Bar" shows you how much of the Piqosity Virtual Tutor (PVT) outline you have worked through.

The percentage you see is determined based on the number of modules you have completed versus all the modules in the outline. 

Hovering over the tool tip icon shows you additional details about your PVT progress. 

4. The Personalized Outline shows how the modules in the Piqosity Virtual Tutor (PVT) have been arranged for you and provides some quick details on your progress.

  • Students can switch from the "Personalized" to the "Standard" outline with the toggle above the outline. 
  • The checkmark icon in the modules indicates Questions Attempted/Questions Available. 
  • The Target icon in the modules indicates your accuracy on questions in those modules
  • Modules are color-coded according to your performance in them:
    • Teal Text: Module not attempted
    • Black Text: Module attempted and goal score accuracy met
    • Red Text: Module attempted and goal score accuracy not met
    • White Text (Teal Background): Current module
  • If you have an advanced, remediation-enabled plan, then remedial modules will show up nested under their parent module. You can expand and collapse the modules with the arrows. 

5. The PVT module shows you the next module you're ready to work in the PVT outline.

  • If you have an assignment due within +/- 7 days, then the "Start Next Module" banner will also show "Start Assignment". The assignment details will be shown in the image. 

6. The Quick Access Bar allows you to easily navigate to all of Piqosity's most relevant practice features for students who are not using PVT 2. 

  • Virtual Tutor - Access the PVT page which includes personalized & remedial outlines, a calendar, and PVT-specific settings
  • Lessons - Access all of the lessons—video and text—available on Piqosity, sorted by subtopic.
  • Practice - Use Piqosity's Personalized Practice feature. 
  • Tests & Units - See Piqosity's Full-Length Test page and take entire tests or test sections. 
  • Review - The Review page shows all of the work you've completed on Piqosity and allows you to find old practice sets and tests to review. 

7. The tabs in this container allow you to switch between your progress report (#8 below), the leaderboard, and your course settings. 

  • The progress report shows you your score on worked quizzes, tests, and assignments over time, separated by test section or (for math/ELA courses) course unit. You can click on the buttons below the chart to highlight the line corresponding to that section. 
  • The Leaderboard shows your overall ranking, how many points you have scored from working questions, and how many points you recently gained from worked questions. 
  • The course settings tab allows you edit items like:
    • Overtime: "On" means your quiz/test won't be auto-submitted when you run out of time. "Off" means it will be autosubmitted. By default, Overtime is off for test prep courses and on for math/ELA courses. 
    • Timer: "Standard" uses default timing for your quizzes and tests. "1.5x" adds 50% more time (i.e. a 2 minute default quiz will be 3 minutes with 1.5x enabled). "2x" effectively doubles your time (i.e. a 2 minute default quiz will be 4 minutes). 
    • Outline: Determines what outline the Piqosity virtual tutor uses to guide you through your course. The default outline is PVT-2. Warning: Switching your outline will map all your work in the current outline to the new outline, and could result in the loss of work if done without proper instruction from an educator or Piqosity admin.
    • If you have an organization student account, you'll see these 2 extra tabs:
      • Share Drive: A way for your educator to share PDF files, images, or any other small documents with you.
      • Course Stream: A messaging stream between your educator(s) and your account. 

8. The Progress Report shows you your score in each test section or course unit over time.

  • Each line corresponds to a different test section or course unit. You can click on the buttons below the chart to highlight the line corresponding to that section.
  • Your goal score will be shown on the progress report. You originally set your goal score in the PVT 2 intro screens. You can edit your goal score in your PVT settings. 
  • Clicking "Explain This" will show you plain-language stats on your performance. These stats indicate what the Piqosity team thinks of your progress—keep in mind, these stats may not be very accurate if you haven't answered many questions. 
  • Clicking "More Stats" shows your full stats page, where you can see detailed practive-over-time, pacing, and subtopic-level performance data.